Successfully Registered Software

You have successfully registered software.

Your contribution will help us in developing software that suits your needs.

This is one-time registration, no registration is required for future releases. We will provide free technical support to you.

Purchase Software

You will soon receive an automated email with the download link of the full version of the software. Install the full version of the software from the link. You will receive the email confirmations from The link of the full version of the software can be found in the body of the confirmation email from

If you do not receive a response, you may have accidentally typed your email address wrong on the order form, or your spam filter may have mistakenly treated the legitimate confirmation email as spam and delivered it to the “Bulk Mail”(or equivalent) folder of your email program. First, check to see if you can find our confirmation email in your Bulk or Spam folder. If you cannot find the confirmation email, contact us through with a secondary email address, or adjust your email application’s spam filter settings and send us another email.
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